
Earning points helps to value actions that are important for loyalty and commitment to the brand, especially purchases or subscriptions. These points can be accumulated and used as a currency (“burn") to access rewards or exclusive services.


Valorisez la fidélité
Value loyalty
Value loyalty

Points give a differentiated value to each purchase, and each commitment action. Brands can thus create a complex and precise valuation system to retain and reward their customers.

Proposez une gratification continue et cohérente
Offer a continuous and consistent reward
Offer a continuous and consistent reward

Unlike one-time rewards, the points system allows accumulation, with real continuity between loyalty actions. It offers a broader and a more comprehensive rewarding experience.

Orientez vos ventes vers les produits à valeur
Direct your sales towards valuable products
Direct your sales towards valuable products

By creating a scale by brand, by product line, and by modulating this scale thanks to boosters, you direct sales to high-value products, and in accordance to your marketing and commercial news.

Modulez la générosité des récompenses
Modulate "generosity”
Modulate "generosity”

The scales can be adjusted according to the customer segment or the distribution network. In addition, by allowing you to precisely manage generosity, you can control your programme's profitability via the points system.

Créez un programme multi-marques
Create a multi-brand programme
Create a multi-brand programme

The points system, by establishing an equivalence between "earn" and "burn", makes it possible to bring together several partners in a common loyalty programme: for example franchised distributors of the same brand, or several brands of a group.


Average customer opt-in rate
Up-sell and cross-sell increase
Average ROI in 3 years

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