Increase revenue per customer and loyalty through a highly flexible incentive system
Earning points helps to value actions that are important for loyalty and commitment to the brand, especially purchases or subscriptions. These points can be accumulated and used as a currency (“burn") to access rewards or exclusive services.
Points give a differentiated value to each purchase, and each commitment action. Brands can thus create a complex and precise valuation system to retain and reward their customers.
Unlike one-time rewards, the points system allows accumulation, with real continuity between loyalty actions. It offers a broader and a more comprehensive rewarding experience.
By creating a scale by brand, by product line, and by modulating this scale thanks to boosters, you direct sales to high-value products, and in accordance to your marketing and commercial news.
The scales can be adjusted according to the customer segment or the distribution network. In addition, by allowing you to precisely manage generosity, you can control your programme's profitability via the points system.
The points system, by establishing an equivalence between "earn" and "burn", makes it possible to bring together several partners in a common loyalty programme: for example franchised distributors of the same brand, or several brands of a group.
The points scales allow you to define the ”generosity" of your loyalty programme in a detailed manner: based on purchase amounts, references or product ranges, or for each type of positive actions towards your brand.
The Leoo platform allows you to configure loyalty point bonuses during key moments: programme registration, upgrading, achieving a goal, reactivating a customer... these bonuses allow you to automatically energise the activity of your program members.
You can set up boosters campaigns, for example to support a launch, a commercial news dedicated to a product range or re-launch sponsorship, by temporarily increasing the amount of points awarded. Just define the action or product you want to promote, the period and the coefficient of the booster.
The points system allows you to precisely define the rules for the points expiration date: validity period, expiration on a fixed date or anniversary date, for all points or in batches of points awarded, etc. The back office allows you to accurately track the volumes of points expiring at different times, and you can schedule alerts for your customers.
The Leoo platform allows you to easily manage the rewards of your programme offering you a huge selection of products (high tech, deco, gastronomy...) and experiences (leisure, culture, travel...). Integrating them seamlessly into the site and animation of your relational programme.
Use a tone and game-inspired mechanics to energise and make your programme more attractive: goals, levels, badges, bonuses, boosters, micro-challenges, leaderboards, winning moments... vary the animation and make your creativity speak!
In a loyalty programme or a challenge, the funding of the endowment is a central issue, which should be carefully followed, whether the budget is composed by one or more partner companies or entities. The platform will allow you to precisely manage the allocated, consumed and expired amounts. The platform will also allow you to configure and manage multiple sources of staffing supply.
By integrating the Leoo platform with your e-commerce website, reward every transaction on your e-commerce website with loyalty points, offer exclusive discounts to your loyal customers based on their status, or offer your customers to pay all or part of their purchases with loyalty points. Check out the platform's integration possibilities.
The Leoo platform incorporates a module to recognise scanned or photographed documents, based on automatic document reading (LAD) technology, such as invoices or cash tickets, in order to allow the award of points to customers through these proofs of purchase recorded in the programme.
Allow your programme members to transfer all or part of the points collected to other members. For example, as part of a B2B loyalty programme, give a company manager the opportunity to transfer points to employees, directly through the programme interface.