Yara maintains customer loyalty and develops customer knowledge
- Basing of end customers
- Enriching customer knowledge through the data generated by the programme (profiles, product appetites, transactions)
- Increase revenue by farmer via up-sell and cross-sell
- Involvement of distributors in the programme
- Creating a European loyalty programme
We have created a B2B loyalty programme interconnected with Salesforce CRM, to encourage customers to sign up and reward their purchases through points exchanged for gifts or professional products and services. Since the programme is European, a scale is defined for each country, and for each product. Distributors are involved in the programme through exclusive bonus systems, and boosters are used to animate the programme during key periods in order to promote diversified sales (cross-sell) and high-value products (up-sell). The ROI of the programme is driven according to specific objectives including up-sell and cross-sell.
The points scales allow you to define the ”generosity" of your loyalty programme in a detailed manner: based on purchase amounts, references or product ranges, or for each type of positive actions towards your brand.
The Leoo platform allows you to configure loyalty point bonuses during key moments: programme registration, upgrading, achieving a goal, reactivating a customer... these bonuses allow you to automatically energise the activity of your program members.
You can set up boosters campaigns, for example to support a launch, a commercial news dedicated to a product range or re-launch sponsorship, by temporarily increasing the amount of points awarded. Just define the action or product you want to promote, the period and the coefficient of the booster.
An expert customer service team provides assistance to your programme members, from answering questions to after-sales service related to rewards. You access real-time updated indicators via your back office to allow you to monitor the quality and responsiveness of the service.
The Leoo platform allows you to easily manage the rewards of your programme offering you a huge selection of products (high tech, deco, gastronomy...) and experiences (leisure, culture, travel...). Integrating them seamlessly into the site and animation of your relational programme.
The loyalty programme is a valuable tool for collecting sales data, especially when brokered by distributors or resellers, by rewarding the sell-out of your distributors and / or purchases by your end customers. The Leoo platform is designed to allow you to easily collect this transactional data, with different possibilities: declaration forms, automatic processing of sales files, invoice recognition or cash tickets…
Interconnect your relational programme and CRM solution to leverage data to personalise your customer experience. Conversely, all data generated through the programme (transactional, behavioral, relational, scoring data...) can be forwarded to your CRM to be used through other tools. Check out the platform's integration possibilities.
Deploy your programme internationally, thanks to the native internationalisation possibilities of the platform: language management, local content management, local programme rules, localised e-shop of rewards offers…
Identify the key steps of your customers ' journey in the programme and automate the sending of personalised messages through the various communication channels: reminders, information messages, incentives to do an action, achievement of a goal, etc. By individualising messages and synchronising them with key moments, marketing automation significantly increases the engagement of your programme members.
The points system allows the greatest flexibility for a loyalty programme, a commitment programme or a business challenge. Each action of the programme member can be valued in a detailed manner, and collected points can be used in different ways: as gift points, to access a status, for a ranking, etc.
Leoo can complement the catalogue of reward sand services by finding and integrating partners specifically tailored to your context and brand, through a dedicated sourcing team.
- 5 countries
- 13,000 members
- Up and cross-sell rates above 50%