HEP Education strengthens students ' attachment to their school
- Contributing to the purchasing power of students
- Strengthening the brand name HEP Education
HEP Education brings together 35 schools and training centres. We have created My Campus Store, a service integrated into the student portal and offering privilege offers to double the purchasing power of students, each euro spent giving access to a double value in gift vouchers. The offers are in line with the needs and expectations of students, everywhere in France: driver's license, online courses, fashion, leisure, food, etc.
The points pool system offers great flexibility to incentive and loyalty schemes. It allows beneficiaries to accumulate points and use them with more freedom to choose their rewards, and it allows you to define precise rules for the use of points awarded: validity period, maximum cumulative amount, etc.
Integrate a wide range of benefits offers directly accessible through the programme's website: product discounts, experiences, event tickets...
Integrate local offers into the reward device. The Leoo platform natively provides a large number of them, especially through ticketing. You can also add those of your local partners, thanks to the PIM integrated into the platform. You will be able to boost the animation of your programme by highlighting in a personalised way rewards close to the members of the programme.
By integrating your SSO (Single Sign-On) on the relational program site, you offer a seamless journey to your customers, who can connect with a few clicks and with the identifiers used on other sites and services of your brand.
- A popular service and frequently used by students on hep Education Group campuses