Altarea Cogedim Partenaires stimulates its network of wealth management consultants
- Reward revenue growth with each partner
- Keep presence in mind throughout the year
- Strengthen the link with the best partners through events
We designed the annual TEAM PARTENAIRES competition to reward the performance of The Wealth Management Advisors Network. Each year, partner performance is calculated based on their progress on different product segments, and the best get rewards, to be distributed within the sales teams, based on their ranking.
The Leoo platform allows you to set up a challenge to animate the relationship with your targets. The objectives of the challenge can be individual or collective. The program will show everyone their performances, and trigger emails at key moments (achievement of a goal, proximity to the end of the challenge, final performances, etc.).
Thanks to the Leoo platform you can give your customers and sales representatives access to a concierge service: they can then request a customised reward and will be accompanied by a Leoo personal shopper.
Start a competition to motivate your targets. The platform allows you to give everyone access to their ranking, individual and/or collective. The rules of the competition are fully configurable: criteria and scales of points, dates, number of winners, rewards, key moments of communication...
Add mails to your omni-channel communication device, whether it's campaigns or custom mails sent automatically based on predefined scenarios, and always according to the communication preferences defined by your targets.
An expert customer service team provides assistance to your programme members, from answering questions to after-sales service related to rewards. You access real-time updated indicators via your back office to allow you to monitor the quality and responsiveness of the service.
The Leoo platform allows you to create all your email templates, benefiting from the contents of your programme, and to schedule and customise your email campaigns and automated email scenarios directly thanks to the data of the programme's Customer Data Platform (data of customer profiles, segments, actions carried out in the program...). You can also choose to use your own email routing tool while leveraging the Leoo platform's rules engine to script submissions using web hooks (see integration possibilities).
The Leoo platform allows you to easily manage the rewards of your programme offering you a huge selection of products (high tech, deco, gastronomy...) and experiences (leisure, culture, travel...). Integrating them seamlessly into the site and animation of your relational programme.
Identify the key steps of your customers ' journey in the programme and automate the sending of personalised messages through the various communication channels: reminders, information messages, incentives to do an action, achievement of a goal, etc. By individualising messages and synchronising them with key moments, marketing automation significantly increases the engagement of your programme members.
Set goals to achieve to score points or progress through a leaderboard. The objectives and performance developments can be continuously tracked by the members of the programme, in a playful and stimulating way.
The points system allows the greatest flexibility for a loyalty programme, a commitment programme or a business challenge. Each action of the programme member can be valued in a detailed manner, and collected points can be used in different ways: as gift points, to access a status, for a ranking, etc.
- Highly engaged clients in the programme, with less than 15% bounce rate and more than 10 page viewed per session, on average over the year.